Participation in the 242nd meeting of The Electrochemical Society.

Airport Atlanta

I am attending this year’s 242nd Electrochemical Society Conference in Atlanta/USA with several presentations. One lecture is about the development and results of a vanadium/water electrolyser and the other lecture is an invited lecture to the Symposium in Honor of D. Noel Buckley on the results of iron/iron redox flow battery developments.

Spontaneously I had the opportunity to give another talk on flow battery developments at Fraunhofer ICT over the last 14 years. The talk took place in the symposium in honor to Robert Savinells 70th birthday.

Participation of SONAR at the Science Night in Bonn

SONAR at Science Night in Bonn 2022

Over two days, school classes and interested citizens were able to learn about the current state of research in the Bonn region in Germany. To explain the screening process to be developed in SONAR, Fraunhofer SCAI challenged visitors to find the best combination of active materials to build a complete redox flow battery cell. In general the topic of energy storage and in particular flow batteries received a lot of attention and encouragement.

Participation of SONAR at the International Flow Battery Forum in Brussels

IFBF 2022

From August 28-30, the annual International Flow Battery Forum (IFBF) took place in Brussels, Belgium. SONAR was represented by several participants with posters and a presentation. Results from the SONAR project and standardization of redox flow batteries were reported. In addition, SONAR organized a joint workshop with its sister project COMPBAT on the topic of “Modeling and Simulation” before the actual program of the IFBF began. SONAR was further represented together with FLORES, the European network of EU projects on redox flow batteries, at a booth in the exhibitors’ area. Participants of the IFBF made extensive use of the opportunities to obtain information and to exchange experiences. This year, IFBF had nearly 300 participants from a variety of countries around the world.

Joint workshop of COMPBAT and SONAR in Brussels

COMPBAT/SONAR workshop at IFBF 2022

On June 27, 2022, the two sister projects COMPBAT and SONAR hosted a joint workshop on Modeling and Simulation in Brussels as part of the annual International Flow Battery Forum (IFBF). COMPBAT and SONAR are developing, within the framework of Horizon2020 funded EU projects, high-throughput screening methods for the efficient search of new active materials for future organic redox flow batteries.

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SONAR attended the 31st ISE Topical Meeting in Aachen

31st ISE Topical Meeting Aachen

The 31st Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry was held in Aachen, Germany from May 15 – 19, 2022. Among the participants and as presenters were Dr. Astrid Maaß from the Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing (Fraunhofer SCAI) and AA/Prof. Dr. Jens Noack (Fraunhofer ICT / University of New South Wales), project coordinator of SONAR. Astrid presented results from High-Throughput Screening to find new organic active materials for redox flow batteries during a talk and Jens gave an overview talk on the results achieved so far in SONAR.

SONAR is an international collaborative project of several outstanding research institutes and universities to develop a model-based tool to find new organic active materials for future redox flow batteries.

The International Society of Electrochemistry is one of the two leading electrochemical societies worldwide and organizes different conferences in the field of electrochemistry every year. The 31st ISE Topical Meeting was attended by over 150 participants from a variety of different countries around the world.